Eventos en Vancouver:


Rhizome Café, 317 E. Broadway
jueves, 10 de Abril, 2008
7:30 pm
Tod@s están bienvenid@s.

**informes, presentación multi-media & discusión participativa de grupo**

El Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, y las comunidades Zapatistas han estado organizadas en lucha rebelde por más de 20 años. Les invitamos a convivir con nosotras en el Café Rhizome para aprender y compartir sobre el Primer Encuentro Internacional de Mujeres Zapatistas: "La Comandanta Ramona y Las Zapatistas". Varias mujeres que vivimos en Vancouver viajamos al Encuentro de Mujeres Zapatistas en La Garrucha, Chiapas, México, en Diciembre del 2007 y vamos a compartir nuestras experiencias e impresiones del Encuentro y de nuestras compañeras Zapatistas que nos inspiran tanto. El encuentro fue dedicado a la vida y trabajo de la Comandanta Ramona, quien lucho con mucha fuerza por su comunidad. Desde mujeres mayores a niñas chiquitas, las mujeres Zapatistas compartieron con nosotras sus historias, desafíos, y éxitos en su lucha por la autonomía, tierra, libertad, igualdad, y dignidad.

El 10 de abril es el aniversario del asesinato de Emiliano Zapata—inspiració n de los Zapatistas actuales—que luchó por la tierra, la libertad y la dignidad. ¡Zapata Vive! ¡Ramona Vive!

Habrá productos Zapatistas en venta como blusas y faldas bordadas a mano por las compañeras Zapatistas, así como también otras creaciones en tela y el maravilloso y rebelde Café Ramona.

INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL: http://zeztainternazional.ezln. org.mx

Evento endorsado por la Otra Campaña Vancouver
Para mayor información por favor contactar: caferamona@yahoo.com; 778.895.5878


Hacia el Encuentro de Mujeres Zapatistas:
Las Mujeres Conviviendo

Rhizome Café, 317 E. Broadway
1 de noviembre de 2007
7 pm
Tod@s están bienvenid@s.

**dos personas darán un breve informe, seguido por una discusión participativa de grupo**
**haremos mensajes de solidaridad para el encuentro de mujeres zapatistas**
**altar para el Día de los Muertos**

Los invitamos a convivir con nosotros en el Café Rhizome para aprender y compartir sobre la lucha de las mujeres zapatistas en Chiapas, México. Antes de que los Zapatistas se levantaran el 1 de enero de 1994, las mujeres zapatistas (incluyendo a la Comandanta Ramona) ya habían empezado su lucha dentro del movimiento para asegurar que las demandas de las mujeres fueran incluidas dentro de Las Leyes Revolucionarias. Estas leyes incluyen algunas leyes específicas a las necesidades de las mujeres de las comunidades indígenas de base, donde el EZLN tiene su sostén, militancia, liderazgos, así como un espíritu poderoso de resistencia y dignidad.

Incluiremos algunos informes cortos de los últimos encuentros zapatistas en el 2006 y 2007. Posteriormente abriremos un espacio de discusión e intercambio de experiencias, conocimientos y cuentos sobre las mujeres y comunidades zapatistas. Esperamos que las mujeres y otros presentes puedan intercambiar conocimiento/experiencias con otros que quieren saber más. Algunas de las mujeres presentes en esta reunión podrán asistir al encuentro de mujeres zapatistas en diciembre de este año; pero otras mujeres, a quienes les encantaría ir, no podrán hacerlo. Tal vez aquellas que puedan ir puedan también llevarse con ellas algunos de los deseos y sueños de las que no podrán hacerlo. Tal vez tengas una pregunta, una curiosidad sobre algo, o quieras que alguien tome una foto, te traiga un paliacate, o te diga lo que vivió allá en territorio liberado zapatista. Es una oportunidad para que la gente que está interesada en la lucha de las mujeres zapatistas, y en la lucha por la dignidad en general, se conozca y hable. ¡Y para que nos divirtamos! Después de los breves informes y la discusión de grupo, esperamos seguirla con una noche relajada, con música, comida y plática entre quienes quieren seguir platicando y soñando con un mundo en donde quepan muchos mundos.

Nuestro deseo es tener otro convivio en febrero de 2008, después del Encuentro de Mujeres Zapatistas (que tendrá lugar del 28 al 31 de diciembre, 2007). Esperamos poder reunirnos otra vez en el Café Rhizome para compartir la experiencia de este encuentro zapatista.

Habrá productos zapatistas en venta, como el maravilloso y rebelde Café Ramona (café directo del territorio zapatista liberado), así como blusas y otras creaciones en tela, bordadas a mano por las compañeras zapatistas.

Y, como es el Día de los Muertos, los invitamos a traer un pequeño regalo para colocar en un altar de muertos. Nuestra intención es crear el altar entre tod@s para conmemorar y celebrar a los que no están con nosotros. Se aceptan flores, veladoras, frutas, pan, calaveritas, o toda contribución para adornar nuestro altar. Conforme cada persona vaya llegando puede pasar a colocar su regalo. L@s esperamos.

Organizado por mujeres latinas a través de un proceso informal para crear, reunir y discutir ideas, sueños y anhelos para este y otros convivios… junto con las compañeras en el Café Rhizome!

Evento endorsado por la Otra Campaña Vancouver
Para mayor información por favor contacte: caferamona@yahoo.com; 778.895.5878


Jueves 19 de Julio del 2007

La Otra Campaña y La Surda Presentan


Un Nuevo Rostro del Fascismo en Latinoamerica

- Plan Mexico
- Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC)
- Intervencion Militar Estadunidense
- Paramilitarismo
- Narcotrafico
- Represión y Movimiento Social

*Mesa Redonda de Análisis y Discusión*

Exposiciones de la Otra Campaña Vancouver y La Surda seguidos por discusión abierta.

Jueves 19 de Julio del 2007
7.30 P.M.
Rhizome Café
317 East Broadway, esquina con Kingsway


Viernes 4 de mayo, 2007 - a las 12 del día

Protesta frente al consulado de México en Vancouver

A un año de los acontecimientos de represión y brutalidad policíaca en San Salvador Atenco!
Por la libertad de los presos políticos!
Por el cese a los ataques de paramilitares contra comunidades indígenas zapatistas en Chiapas!

En el 1177 West Hastings St. (entre Bute St. y Thurlow St .) - MAPA

El mal gobierno de Fox termino dejando un legado terrible para la mayoría de los mexicanos; en el 2006, dos comunidades fueron atacadas por la policía militar de México, la PFP. En el pueblo de San salvado Atenco, cientos de pobladores y simpatizantes fueron arrestados el 4 de mayo - y muchos de ellos fueron severamente golpeados y torturados. Mas de 30 compañeras fueron violadas o sexualmente abusadas. Actualmente, 30 de ellos continúan presos. Ademas de eso 2 jovenes fueron asesinados por la policia. El unico delito de esta gente fue defender su patrimonio y solidarizarse con vendedores de flores que iban a ser desalojados del mercado de Texcoco para construir allí un Wal-Mart.

A finales del 2006, en Oaxaca, México, la gente se levanto en una ola de protestas sin precedentes para exigir la salida del gobernador Ulises Ruiz por corrupto y represor. Estas demandas fueron atendidas a punta de garrotes y al igual que en Atenco, cientos de personas fueron arrestadas y torturadas, muchos desaparecidos y asesinados. Actualmente, por lo menos 43 personas siguen presas en calidad de presos políticos. El nuevo presiente, Felipe Calderón esta probando ser todavía más fascista que Fox y actualmente utiliza una estrategia de guerra de baja intensidad/ contra-insurgente para reprimir con grupos paramilitares a comunidades indígenas zapatistas en Chiapas.

Asiste a esta protesta el 4 de mayo para conmemorar el primer aniversario de los hechos de represión en Atenco y para exigir la liberación de todos los presos políticos en México, y cese a la represion contra las comunidades zapatistas.

Evento organizado por: La Otra Campaña Vancouver


Vicente Fox No es Bienvenido en Vancouver!

Organizaciones de derechos humanos de Vancouver denuncian y se oponen a la visita y platica sobre Liderazgo del ex presidente mexicano Vicente Fox en el evento organizado por la compañía Power Within.

Protesta publica a las 2:00 PM
Jueves 8 de marzo, 2007
GM Place, Vancouver, Canadá

Has clic aqui para descargar el comunicado completo en formato PDF.

El 8 de marzo de 2007 el ex-presidente de México, Vicente Fox y su esposa Marta Sahagun, estarán hablando en un evento organizado por la compañía de Toronto Power Within Inc.

Como ustedes sabrán el 8 de marzo es el día internacional de la mujer. Nosotros creemos que es inaceptable que Fox hable aquí ese día, particularmente dado su terrible record con respecto a derechos de la mujer. Power Within Inc. esta anunciando a Fox como una autoridad en los temas de liderazgo y reforma democrática. Nosotros creemos que esto es un fraude, y otra razón por la que no debería de hablar.

La Otra Vancouver le mando la carta al final de esta pagina a la compañía que esta trayendo a Fox pidiéndoles que lo quiten del programa.

La carta adjunta describe (en ingles) el pésimo record de Fox con respecto a los derechos de la mujer, derechos humanos, represión política, corrupción y fraude electoral.

Para descargar una version de la carta en formato PDF has clic aqui


Carta de protesta sobre la
visita de Vicente Fox a
Vancouver el 8 de marzo, 2007


Power Within Inc.
462 Wellington St. W., Suite 201
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1E3
T. 416.591.4000
F. 416.591.4020

February 22, 2007

Dear Sirs,

We are writing in connection with the visit to Vancouver by Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico, and his wife, Martha Sahagun, as part of your Power Within Event on March 8, 2007.

We strongly urge you to cancel their participation.

There are several matters of grave concern that prompt us to make this request. The web site for the event says Mr. Fox and Ms. Sahagun will speak on the subject of leadership. We believe that both proposed speakers are unqualified to speak on this topic.

Also as you might be aware, March 8 is International Women’s Day. We consider it a deep insult to women to have Mr. Fox and Ms. Sahagun held up as examples of successful democratic leaders, especially on this day. On March 8, the world remembers and celebrates the struggles for women’s rights and gender equality, and against violence directed at women. Mr. Fox’s atrocious record on women’s rights is outlined below.

Contrary to the statements on the event web site, we believe the legacy of the Fox presidency is nothing to be proud of. It is one of serious human rights abuses, particularly against women, of missed opportunities for true democratic reform, of continued political corruption, of increased poverty and inequality, and of severe political repression and state sponsored violence against social movements and minority groups. The evidence is well documented by such organizations as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and has been broadly covered in the Mexican national media, as well as numerous international sources.

And if that were not enough, Mr. Fox also leaves behind a bungled foreign policy, having at various times insulted, or made inappropriate remarks leading to public spats with the presidents of Argentina, Cuba, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

Consider this:


1. On women’s rights and state sponsored violence against women:

On May 4, 2006 about 3,000 federal, local and state police under orders from the Public Security Secretary, who in turn answers directly to the president, carried out an operation against the town of San Salvador Atenco near Mexico City. Grievous human rights abuses ensued, and two youths were confirmed killed. These facts are not controversial as they have been well documented by major international and national human rights organizations and media.

Particularly heinous were the incidents of systematic rape, and sexual and physical assault against women detained during the operation.

In a report entitled “Mexico: Violence against women and justice denied in Mexico State” Amnesty International published testimonies from some of the women of Atenco. For example: “I was arrested on 4 May in the morning. (…) They pushed me to the ground and also kicked and punched me as well as hitting me with sticks and truncheons. They pulled my hair and stamped on me and then picked me up and pushed me face down into a police van, all the while beating me. (…) Once inside the police bus, I realized that they were beating everyone else inside it. In my case, amid all the blows, insults and pushing, they started to grope me, first around my buttocks, then to rub up against my trousers, they touched my breasts and then they put their hands inside, ripping my bra and making my nipples very sore. (…) We couldn’t move and, if we did, they beat us. We’ve asked about filing a complaint but they took no notice of us.”

The report goes on to state that “the manner in which police reportedly made most arrests – of both men and women – highlighted the serious human rights violations committed, including torture, ill-treatment and excessive use of force.”

Concerning the treatment of women the report says that “the experiences described by the women interviewed by the organization show several similarities: police officers groped their private parts, bit them on the breast, forced them to strip and subjected them to vaginal and anal rape using fingers. Amnesty International was also informed that one woman was reportedly forced to have oral sex with one of the police officers. Obscene remarks and threats of a sexual nature were also common.” The full report can be read here.

It is important to note that all this took place under Mr. Fox, and the systematic nature of the crimes suggests the operation was well planned and directed from the highest levels. The federal government continues to reject the recommendations of Amnesty International and other human rights bodies, and to this day no officials connected to the police operation have been brought to trial.

Then there is also the well know case of the missing and murdered women of Ciudad Juarez. Since 1993 almost 400 women and girls have been murdered in the cities of Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua, at least a third suffering sexual violence. The on-going pattern of federal negligence, corruption, and unwillingness to take meaningful action continued unchanged throughout Mr. Fox’s term.

In addressing the government’s response, a report entitled “Mexico: Justice fails in Ciudad Juarez and the City of Chihuahua” by Amnesty International states that “the failures are systemic -- the lack of proper investigations has led authorities to resort to torture to extract confessions where evidence is not available. This has not only led to the imprisonment of individuals who may be innocent, but also means that there is a strong likelihood that the real perpetrators are escaping justice and are free to continue to commit crimes.”

Amnesty International reports on the situation in Ciudad Juarez can be found here, and here.


2. On democratic reform:

Last summer saw the most highly contested elections in Mexican history. The main opposition candidate and party, backed by media investigations and academic research, claimed that a massive electoral fraud, directly overseen by Mr. Fox’s office, took place. Their case was taken all the way to the supreme electoral tribunal in Mexico, which in spite of the recognition of major irregularities in the electoral process, sided with the candidate from Fox’s ruling party, the PAN.

Some of the largest protests in Mexican history took place in the weeks following the contested elections, and to this day the opposition candidate contends that he received the majority of votes and refuses to recognize the victory of Felipe Calderon of the PAN party.

The continued political conflict was highlighted when Mr. Fox was prevented from giving his last state of the union address in Mexico City due to massive protests. This had never before happened in Mexico. Later, fist fights broke out in congress as governing party politicians fought off an effort by the opposition to prevent the swearing in of the new president.

These facts suggest that Mr. Fox’s legacy is far from one of lasting democratic reform, and that, instead, he leaves the country deeply divided with the new presidency facing the greatest crisis of legitimacy in the history of the country.


3. On economic achievements:

Contrary to the claims of the Mexican government, the reality on the ground is that most Mexicans are living a period of unprecedented economic crisis. A report from the Center for North American Integration and Development at the University of California in Los Angeles concluded Mexican migrants contribute more to the economies of the U.S. and Mexico than the entire bilateral trade between them. “Since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) more than 10 million Mexican migrants have crossed the border, and the economic contribution of these 10 million is greater than that generated by NAFTA” states Raúl Hinojosa Ojeda, one of the authors of the report.

The obvious question is, if Mexico’s economy is doing well, why do Mexicans continue leaving their country in record numbers? The answer can be seen in Mexico’s countryside, where economic policies carried out by the government of Mr. Fox have led to severe economic and social depression. Widespread misery abounds and given Mr. Fox’s consistent de-funding of public services such as education, as well as the imposition of economic policies and capital projects that are seen to benefit only a small wealthy elite, all indications are that the situation is likely to worsen in the coming years.


4. On corruption:

Mr. Fox, his wife Mrs. Martha Sahagun, and her children have faced constant accusations of corruption. A recent example are reports in the Mexican press that a close friend of Mr. Fox, Mr. Cosme Mares Hernández, is under investigation for irregularities concerning the illegal purchase of an bay on the pacific coast of Mexico where Mr. Fox’s family intends to build a tourist resort. The peasant farmers who were evicted from the area maintain they were robbed of their lands. They recently sent a letter to the new president stating that they have “all the proof” of “the abuse by Vicente Fox and Martha Sahagun”. They demand that Mr. Fox and his family leave their lands alone.

Mr. Mares Hernández is also being investigated for fraud in connection with the granting of highway construction contracts all over the country to a business run by him and the sons of Mrs. Sahagun.


5. On the general human rights situation and political repression:

In addition to the above-mentioned case of San Salvador Atenco, Mr. Fox oversaw several other social uprisings where major human rights violations were well documented. The largest took place last year (2006) in the state of Oaxaca where a teacher’s strike grew into a generalized social uprising following a violent crackdown by state authorities. The response from the federal government was to send in troops and police and the resulting political repression has been the worst seen in Mexico since the Tlatelolco student massacre of 1968. Having failed to reach a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Oaxaca, Mr. Fox left it up to his successor to deal with the problem. The new government ordered a major crackdown on November 25, 2006 accompanied by human rights violations on a massive scale. Yet the conflict is likely to continue for some time as the core demands of the social movements continue to be ignored by the federal and state governments.

The International Civil Commission For Human Rights Observation recently presented its “Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations Concerning The Social Conflict in Oaxaca” which clearly outlines some of the worst human rights violations. The document can be found here.

Another hallmark of Mr. Fox’s human rights record has been the growth in the number of political prisoners. According to various Mexican NGOs the number of political prisoners grew by 50% during Mr. Fox’s term.

It is also worth noting that according to Reporters without Borders in “Mexico - Annual Report 2006”, under Fox “the country became the most dangerous in Latin America for journalists in 2005, with two murdered and a third who vanished, all in early April. Impunity reigns despite apparent efforts by the federal government.” The report can be found here.

In October of 2006 Brad Will, an independent journalist from the U.S., was shot dead while reporting on the conflict in Oaxaca (the estimated number of civilians killed in this conflict is 23). His killers have been identified in pictures of the incident as plain clothes police officers and ruling party operatives, and to this day have not been prosecuted for the crime.


In conclusion

We, The Other Campaign Vancouver, together with the organizations and individuals endorsing this letter, would like to re-state our request that you remove Vicente Fox and Martha Sahagun from your program. International Women’s Day is a very important day for women all over the world, and having these proposed speakers profiled in a highly lucrative engagement on this day is clearly an insult and a mistake. Facts clearly demonstrate that neither Vicente Fox nor Martha Sahagun are qualified to speak on the subjects of leadership and successful democratic or economic reforms.

We thank you for your attention and look forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

The Other Campaign Vancouver
La Otra Campaña Vancouver

The Other Campaign Vancouver is a collective of Mexicans and Canadians who work for social justice in Mexico, Canada, and other countries.



Building and Construction Trades Council - BC and Yukon Territory

Hospital Employees Union of B.C. (HEU)

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women - Canada (GAATW-Canada)

The OPEN Coalition for Human Rights in Migration and Human Trafficking

Latin America Connexions Collective - Vancouver

Building Bridges Human Rights Project - Vancouver

Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver

B.C. Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines

Filipino Nurses Support Group - Vancouver

Philippine Women Centre of B.C.


Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance (Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada) - Vancouver

B.C. Latin-American Collective (Colectivo Latinoamericano de Colombia
" Britanica")

ALAD Collective
America Latina al Dia - CFRO 102.7 FM Vancouver Co-operative Radio

Bus Riders Union - Vancouver

Grass Roots Women - Vancouver

Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association - Vancouver

Anti Poverty Committee - Vancouver

No One Is Illegal - Vancouver

No One Is Illegal - Toronto

No One is Illegal - Montreal

Block the Empire - Montreal

La Otra Campaña - Montreal

Students Taking Action in Chiapas (STAC) - Montreal

Redwire Magazine - Vancouver

International Workers of the World (IWW) Vancouver

International Indigenous Youth Conference (IIYC)

Justicia For Migrant Workers B.C.

Group of Relatives and Friends of Political Prisoners in Mexico - Vancouver

Latin American Solidarity Committee - Toronto

Circulo Bolivariano Manuelita Saenz - Toronto

Amicus Foundation - Vancouver

R.S. Ratner:

“I strongly disapprove of the invitation to President Vicente Fox and his
wife to speak in Vancouver about democratic reform. Neither he nor his wife
merit this invitation, given their abysmal record regarding human rights
and democratic reform during the period of Fox's presidency of Mexico.
The invitation should be withdrawn.


R.S. Ratner
Professor Emeritus, Sociology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.

Tom Sandborn (Journalist and Media activist)
Vancouver, BC

Leandro Vergara-Camus, Professor. McMaster University

Paula Hevia-Pacheco, Professor. Collège Glendon, York University

Richard Roman, Professor (retired), Sociology, University of Toronto

Greg Albo, Professor, Political Science, York University